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Study Bible Topics
Sun, Jan 09 2022
Romans 12:1-8 - Dedicated to Worship

God's mercy and love demand the total dedication of all we are, including our bodies, to worship the Lord.

Bulletins and Sermon Notes...

Sun, Sep 26 2021
Lamentations 3:19-24 - God is Faithful

We should grieve our losses, but we can get through by counting on God's faithfulness.

God is Faithful

Study guide...

Bulletins and Sermon Notes...

Sun, Sep 12 2021
Matthew 8:23-27 - Calming the Storm

Pastor McCall offers encouragement and direction for those suffering because of Hurricane Ida.

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Sun, Jul 04 2021
John 8:36 - True Freedom is found in Christ

As you celebrate our nation's independence, remember that true freedom is found in Christ.

Sun, Jun 27 2021
Psalm 11 - Choose Trust, Not Panic

Trusting God for protection keeps one from mistakes made in panic.

Sun, Jun 13 2021
2 Peter 1:19-21 - Is what you hear online true?

Learn how to recognize false prophets on the Internet.

Sun, May 30 2021
Mark 8:22-30 - Cloudy to Clear

Seek to see Jesus more clearly today and look forward to perfect sight in eternity.

Sun, Mar 28 2021
Palm Sunday - Shouts from the crowd!

Discover the reason Jesus came by listening to shouts from the crowd!

Sun, Jan 17 2021
Mark 4:1-24 - Understanding the Soil

Jesus illustrates what happens when His truth is proclaimed: some miss out, others grow.

Sun, Nov 22 2020
Thankfulness Avoids Disaster

Building thankfulness into our lives keeps us from going down the dark path away from God and His ways into the depths of despair and sin.

Sun, Sep 20 2020
Real Authority

Many people are happy that Jesus can make their lives better, but they aren't thrilled with His authority.

Sun, Jan 05 2020
2020 Spiritual Checkup

Time for a checkup from the book of Romans.

Sun, Oct 06 2019
Looking Back and Forward in God's Faithfulness

Sun, Jun 30 2019
Revelation 3 - The Church at Laodicea

Sun, Apr 28 2019
Is Racial Harmony Possible?

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